I am Zhou (Joe) Yu, a postdoc research associate in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory since November 2021. Before that, I was a postdoctoral appointee in the Materials Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory from February 2019 to November 2021. I earned my Ph.D. in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech in December 2018.
—Office: TA-03-123-279, LANL, Los Alamos, NM, 87545
—Email: joeyu.vt@gmail.com
- Multiscale simulations including molecular dynamics simulations, density functional theory calculations, and machine learning techniques on advanced functional materials
- Structure-property-performance relationships in novel battery electrolytes including liquid electrolytes and polymer electrolytes
- Interfacial and transport phenomena involved in energy storage and conversion process
My research goal is to establish simulation and theory-driven approaches (e.g., density functional theory calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning techniques, etc.) to understand and predict bulk and interfacial physicochemical properties (e.g., structure, transport, mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical, etc.) of advanced functional materials including electrolytes, membranes, colloids, porous materials, etc. in multiple length scales ranging from molecular (Å) to nanometric domains (μm) and time scales ranging from solvation shell exchange (ps) to assembly (μs). The gained theoretical insights will accelerate the design of new materials towards broad applications in energy, chemistry, biology, and evironmental sciences.
**Personal Background in one figure**
**LANL Group Photo**
**Argonne Group Photo**
**VT Group Photo**